841, 843, 845 847 W. 6TH STREET
Winstonsalem, NC
Unit Description
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845-F W. 6th St-2BR/1BA-APT! - 2BR/1BA, 3rd Floor, Stainless S/R/Micro, Stack W/D, Electric Heat & Central A/C, Laminate Hardwood Floors, Off Street Parking.
$875.00 Deposit with Excellent Credit & 10 Days Free Rent!!
Professionally Managed by Ogburn Properties, 1056 Burke St, Winston-Salem 27101; OgburnProperties.com; Ph: (336)748-0700.
To view this property, you can visit our office with a photo ID and $10 refundable deposit Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm. Deposits are refunded when keys are returned to our office within 24 hours.
Virtual Tour: https://www.zillow.com/view-3d-home/055c2c89-bc58-47d8-8aee-34aa9e251b49?utm_source=dashboard
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