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Manhole Manor House for rent in St Louis, MO
2 of 26 Manhole Manor House for rent in St Louis, MO
3 of 26 Manhole Manor House for rent in St Louis, MO
4 of 26 Manhole Manor House for rent in St Louis, MO
5 of 26 Manhole Manor House for rent in St Louis, MO
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Updated 4 hours ago

Manhole Manor

6822 Vernon Ave St Louis, MO

2 Bed
1 Bath

897 Sq. Ft.

Available Now
2 Beds • 1 Bath
897 ft2
1 Available
Managed By: Garcia Property Management, Inc.
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Dogs Ok
Cats Ok
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** If you're NOT looking to move within the next 30 days, check back when you are! Best advice: GO TO OUR RENTALS WEBSITE to check if this is still avail** or search “AVAILABLE” / “COMING SOON” on our YouTube channel, or just smash subscribe so you get noti's before units are even listed!**
Yeah- I said manhole- are we gonna be weird about it? Dark, moody, masculine- nay, a magenta front door?? Don't worry, this place is still a total manhole/has one in the front yard. And inside? Custom wood stairwell divider/statement maker/display for trinkets or like, your favorite rocks from your rock collection, idk!
And LOOK at that custom kitchen! Open shelving, absolutely hunky appliances, rocket ship fridge, dishwasher, elec.range- and do I spy copper accents??? Also, you have me sorely mistaken if you thought I wasn't going to make a bigfriggendeal about that bluer-than-the-eyes-of-my-first-crush subway tiling going on all over back there.
I could say as much about the bathroom; like a man with overwhelming empathy, the space is surprisingly refreshing! Who knew a place called Manhole Manor could reveal so many bright and airy delights. Sleep soundly in either bedroom, then pinball back out to the four seasons room off the dining area. Your backyard is free and flappin' in the wind, so to speak, semi-fenced. +some patio space!
Laundry in the basement! Room for 1 car in the garage! And this hottie is even close to a bus route, the loop, and literally has Schnucks right across the street, man!!
We’ll check your credit, and while it doesn’t need to be flawless, we do expect it to show that you pay your bills on time and keep things in order. If you’ve rented before, we’ll also take a look at your track record as a tenant. And of course, we want to see that you're financially sound(3x/rent).
PETS: 1 small dog up to 20lbs, or up to 2 cats; pet rent additional. Got a lizard or other teensy critter? No pet rent for them, just make sure they’re not plotting world domination.
Check all our availability at www .garcia propertymanagement . com /vacancies

Additional Details
Total Unit Count: 1
Last Updated: Updated 4 hours ago
Contact Number: (314) 353-0336
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To comfortably afford an apartment, we recommend having at least three times your monthy rent in gross household income.
View suggested annual incomes for Manhole Manor by bedroom type below.
2 Bedroom
Suggested income:
per year
Rent report

Manhole Manor Rent vs. St Louis Average

 Manhole Manor      St Louis Average

Manhole Manor is asking 14% more than the average 2 bedroom apartment in St Louis.

If you upsized to an average priced St Louis 3 bedroom apartment, you would pay 8% more per month.

If you downsized to an average priced St Louis 1 bedroom apartment, you would pay 25% less per month.

Manhole Manor provides 11% less square footage than the average St Louis 2 bedroom apartment.

Monthly Rent Rent per Sq. Ft. Suggested
Monthly Income
Manhole Manor
2BR $1,695 $1.90 $5,085
St Louis Average
Studio $1,061 $2.20 $3,182
1BR $1,196 $1.60 $3,589
2BR $1,491 $1.50 $4,472
3BR $1,628 $1.30 $4,885
4BR $1,805 $1.20 $5,416

Availability in St Louis

In order to find the best deal, you need to know what types of units are available. Property managers may be willing to give concessions if they have many vacant units.

There are currently 1,237 2BR units on the market in St Louis. If you're looking to negotiate, this may be your best option.

8% 38% 41% 11% 1%
Available Units in St Louis
Studio 253
1BR 1,159
2BR 1,237
3BR 344
4BR 44
Nearby Colleges
Campus Buildings and Attractions
Distance Walking Biking Driving
Summers Recreation Complex 1.3 mi 24 min 8 min 3 min
Olin Library 1.4 mi 28 min 8 min 4 min
Brookings Quadrangle 1.5 mi 29 min 10 min 3 min
Danforth University Center 1.5 mi 30 min 12 min 3 min
Nearby Hospitals
Name Distance
Hawthorn Children's Psychiatric Hospital 1.68 mi.
Ssm Health Rehabilitation Hospital At St. Mary's Health Center 2.01 mi.
Metropolitan St. Louis Psychiatric Center 2.02 mi.
Nearby Fire Stations
Name Distance
University City Fire Department 0.39 mi.
Clayton Fire Department 1.53 mi.
Ladue Fire Department 1.94 mi.
Is this property currently leasing units?
Yes, there is 1 unit available at this property.
How many units are move-in ready in the next 2 months?
This property has 1 unit available for move-in now.
What's the square footage of the available units?
It's 897 square feet.
Does this property allow cats or dogs?
This property allows tenants to keep cats and dogs.
How many bedrooms are in the available units?
There are 2 bedroom units available.
How many bathrooms are in the available units?
There are 1 bathroom units available.
What's the monthly rent at this property?
Manhole Manor has a 2 bedroom unit starting at $1,695.
Where is this property located?
This property is at 6822 Vernon Ave in St Louis, MO. It's 2.3 miles northwest from the center of St Louis.
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