VERIFIED14201 N. Ih 35 Pflugerville, TX
Unit Description
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Unit Amenities
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We use a third-party service, PetScreening, to ensure all applicants understand how to adhere to the property's pet and animal policies, even if you do not have a pet or animal. All applicants should complete a Pet, No Pet, or Animal Profile.
Akita Alaskan Malamute American Bull Dog Basenji Caucasian Ovcharka Chow Chow Dalmatian Doberman Dogo Argentino German Shepherd Great Dane Gull Dong Husky Malamute Mastiff (Including) Argentinian Mastiff Bullmastiff Neapolitan Mastiff Pyrenean Mastiff Tibetan Mastiff Pit Bull (Including) American Staffordshire Terrier American Pit Bull Terrier Staffordshire Bull Terrier Amu or any Presa Canario Rhodesian Ridgeback Rottweiler Finish Spitz Saint Bernard Shar Pei Wolf-Dog Hybrid