1412-1414 N. Austin Blvd.
1412 N Austin Blvd Oak Park, IL
Unit Description
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Unit Amenities
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The red-brick facade and unique projecting cornice of this early 1900s building have been meticulously maintained and its interior has been carefully updated. Residents have an easy walk to the Green Line, grocery and farmer’s market as well as the pool, softball fields and ice rink at Ridgeland Common.
Confirm off-street parking availability and pricing with your agent.
*Photographs may show a similar apartment if recent pictures of the listed apartment are unavailable.
Before contacting us, please confirm that all prospective occupants over the age of 18 meet the following criteria:
Strong credit score: Due to high demand for appointments, prospects with credit scores below 650 will not be able to schedule an appointment at this point. Your credit should be free of collections, judgments and late payments. We do not accept co-signers. Credit must be established except in some cases in which you are moving from a foreign country or are a full-time student. Credit scores below 600 will be automatically declined without review.
No bankruptcies, judgments, evictions, foreclosures, history of late rent payments or short sales.
Your gross monthly income should be three times the amount of rent. This is a recommendation and is not applicable in some cases. Insufficient income may be grounds for a declined application. An applicant's liabilities will also be considered when determining whether an apartment is affordable.