Citronia Luxe Towers Apartments
18540 Citronia Street Northridge, CA
Unit Description
No description provided.
Unit Amenities
No amenity information provided.

Breed restrictions apply.
Dogs under 30 pounds.
Deposit $500.00.
Cats - Rent $25.00, Dogs - Rent $35.00.
Citronia Luxe Towers is a New York style, building, with front lobby, elevator, trash chutes, and enclosed interior hallways to the apartment entrances. It was built in 1985 with space as the most important feature. Each of the 24 - 2 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom units are 1100 square feet, or more. This attractive three story building has a subterranean parking entrance. It is a quiet family and professionals apartment complex. Citronia Luxe Towers has the best of both worlds! It is within walking distance of CSUN, Main Post Office, Grocery Stores, Restaurants and Buses, yet it is situated on a quiet residential side street, away from busy Reseda Blvd.