Apartments Near Curry College

How many apartments are available in Milton, MA on has over 90 apartments available in Milton. has over 90 apartments available in Milton.
Boston’s subway system, the T, stops its southbound red line service just a few miles north of Curry in the city’s Mattapan neighborhood. This is unfortunate for students because it would really open up their housing options if they could use the subway, but instead they are given two accessible stops on the city’s commuter rail. The Fairmount station is half a mile from the northwestern corner of campus, and Readville stop is the same distance from the soutwestern corner. There are also MBTA buses, and they can take you to the rail stations or to the communities in the Milton area. Milton is located close to the Atlantic Ocean, which means the campus receives less snow every year than more inland parts of Massachusetts. But don’t get me wrong, rough winters can still bring over 50 inches of snow to the town. Students who are from warmer regions of the country usually are shocked by how terrible roads can get in the winter, and are hesitant to commute after a storm. Keep in mind that New England winters are a breed of their own, and the school doesn’t usually cancel class unless a blizzard or nor’easter hits the area.