Walden at Providence
6500 Walden Run Cir Huntsville, AL
Unit Description
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Unit Amenities
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URP Management, LLC utilizes PetScreening.com to screen household pets, validate reasonable accommodation requests for assistance animals and confirm every resident understands our pet policies. All current and future residents are required to create a PetScreening.com profile, even if there is not going to be a pet in the apartment. Upon completion of the PetScreening.com profile and pet registration, a Fido Score will be generated for each pet and determines if your pet is accepted and all applicable fees that apply. See our list of restricted dog breeds below. Any pet with a Fido score below 3 will not be accepted. • Applicants and Residents are responsible for the PetScreening.com Profile Fee to be paid to PetScreening.com upon registration and upon annual renewal to maintain the active Pet Screening Profile. If there is no pet in the household and/or the animal is a verified assistance or support animal, then no Pet Screening Profile Fee will be charged. • There is a monthly/per pet rent that will be added to applicable lease agreements. This does not include the PetScreening.com fee. Pets must be at least 12-months old. Pet fee of $400-$600 must be paid in full at move-in. Pet Rent is $15 per month per pet. Select aggressive breeds may be prohibited including but not limited to American Staffordshire Terrier AKA Pit Bull and Pit Mix, Bull Terrier, Doberman Pinscher, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Chow, Presa Canario, Dingo, Mastiff, Cane Corso AKA Italian Mastiff, Argentinian Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Akita, Malamute, Alaskan Malamute, Husky, Alaskan Husky, Siberian Husky, Wolf-hybrid and mixes of these breeds. Pet DNA will be collected on all dogs at time of pet registration. Unusual pets other than ordinary domesticated pets are prohibited. Pets over 45 pounds are restricted to first floor apartments. Pets over 70 pounds to a maximum of 100 pounds are restricted to 1 pet per apartment.