3737 Runyon Ave 3BR/1BA (Dayton) - Don't miss our 3BR/1BA home located in Dayton. This home has updated flooring, an updated, eat-in kitchen that is equipped with a dishwasher, disposal, and range hood, an updated bathroom, central air, w/d hookups, a storage shed, patio, street parking, and a yard perfect for entertaining. Visit our website at BBRents.com to apply! **Appliances are not included, but can be for an additional cost.** **DEPOSIT PENDING**
If you upsized to an average priced Dayton 4 bedroom apartment, you would pay
21% more per month.
If you downsized to an average priced Dayton 2 bedroom apartment,
you would pay 13% less per month.
Monthly Rent
Rent per Sq. Ft.
Suggested Monthly Income
Dayton Average
Availability in Dayton
In order to find the best deal, you need to know what types of units are available. Property managers may be willing to
give concessions if they have many vacant units.
There are currently 219 2BR
units on the market in Dayton. If you're looking to negotiate, this may be your best option.