5 Things You Need to Know About Water Heaters

One of the best parts of a modern home is the availability of hot running water. Water heaters enable us to carry out various everyday tasks with comfort, from showering and hot baths to washing dishes and doing laundry. Despite their multifunctionality, many homeowners take this humble appliance for granted. In reality, you may forget about them until you run out of hot water in the middle of a hot shower. 

If your heater is at the end of its lifespan and you’re considering replacing it, you’ll be relieved to hear that this article can provide you with all the information you need. Here are five things you need to know about water heaters:  

Types Of Water Heaters 

black and gray metal pipe

Before installing a water heater, it’s best to learn about the many types available of water heater Winchester.  

  • Storage Tank – This is the most common type of water heater, which is an insulated tank wherein water is heated and kept until it is needed. Storage tanks provide a ready supply of hot water sufficient for daily use. Still, there are some circumstances, especially when there is more than one use for hot water or visitors in the house, which increases the demand for hot water. 
  • Tankless – Unlike storage tanks, tankless water heaters use heating coils to heat water as needed. When properly sized, this sort of water heater is meant to deliver a sufficient stream of hot water without running out. 
  • Heat Pump – Heat pump water heaters transfer heat from one location to another rather than producing heat directly to provide hot water, yielding excellent efficiency and cost reductions. While they are more expensive than other types, installation is comparable, and the turnaround time is short. The only downside is that it doesn’t perform well in extremely cold environments and must be placed in a temperature range of 40° F to 90° F. 
  • Solar – This type leverages the sun’s heat to generate hot water while also saving money on energy expenses. This type is best in warm, sunny climates. They may, however, be ineffective on cool and gloomy days. The majority of models have a backup system that turns on when needed. 
  • Condensing – This is the best option if you want to heat with gas and want a heater with a capacity greater than 55 gallons. This type works like traditional water heaters, but they trap exhaust gases that would otherwise escape the vent, wasting energy.  

Knowing about the many types of water heaters will help you select the best one for you. If you have any questions, you can always consult with a specialist. 

Fuel Type 

white metal railings near white concrete building during daytime

When purchasing a new water heater, it is essential to know the fuel type or energy source the heater will be running on and its availability and cost. Fuel used in a water heater impacts its size and energy efficiency in addition to its operating costs. If there are no options available in your area, you may have fewer choices regarding fuel type. The following are some fuel or energy source choices for water heaters: 

  • Electricity – Suitable for storage, tankless, and heat pump water heaters. It can be used in tandem with water and space heaters, such as tankless coils and indirect water heaters. 
  • Oil – Available in certain areas for fuel storage, water heaters, and indirect combination systems.
  • Geothermal Power – Available to anyone planning to install or currently using a geothermal heat pump system for space heating and cooling in their home. 
  • Natural Gas – For fuel storage, tankless, condensing water heaters, as well as tankless coil and indirect water heaters for space and water heating.
  • Propane – This fuel runs conventional storage and tankless water heaters, indirect water heaters, and space heaters.
  • Solar – For solar water heaters, commonly found in the Southwest of the United States. 

It is important to understand whatever type of source your home employs so that you may get the correct kind of water heater. 

Energy Efficiency 

Your water heater is likely the third-largest energy consumer in your home, regardless of its fuel source. As a result, if at all possible, choose an energy-efficient model. All modern water heaters are highly energy efficient to fulfill federal energy standards. You can find it on the model by looking at the Energy Factor (EF) rating. Energy conversion efficiency and the amount of heat lost during storage are evaluated in this rating—the higher the energy factor, the more efficient the water heater.

Storage Capacity 

The storage capacity of a water heater determines how quickly it can heat and distribute water. The size you purchase is determined by the number of individuals living in your home. The average family of four could shower numerous times, run the dishwasher, and do a load or two of laundry each day, consuming more than 350 liters of hot water per day. Yet, this does not imply that a household needs so much. Here is a guide to determining the correct size capacity of the water heater you need: 

  • Household Of One To Two Persons – A maximum of 4.9L 
  • Household Of Two To Three Persons – 5 to 9.9L 
  • Household Of Three To Four Persons – 10 to 19.9L 
  • Household Of More Than Five Persons – 20L and more 

For this reason, many individuals are resorting to tankless water heaters as an alternative. A tankless water heater never runs out of hot water since it only produces it when you need it. The only downside is the output. They have fixed flow rates, which might be inconvenient if numerous people need hot water at the same time. One option is to get more than one tankless water heater in your home in such circumstances. 

Water Quality 

People often overlook the damage that poor water quality can do to your heater. Mineral salts such as calcium and magnesium are abundant in hard water. These minerals can cause scaling. Over time, this interferes with the water heater’s efficiency. Because of this, it’s essential to know that you should select a unit that is compatible with the water type that you have available.  


Whether you’re building a new home or upgrading an old one, including a water heater, it can benefit you in various ways. The fact that water heaters serve multiple purposes is often taken for granted by many households. Refer to this post if you find yourself needing to purchase a water heater.