Apartments in Allendale

1 - 7 of 7 Results
$886 - 1,017
11265 Washington Ave Allendale, MI
1 - 2 BR | Available Now
Dog Friendly
Cat Friendly
Covered Parking
In Unit Laundry
$679 - 1,329
10897 48Th Ave Allendale Charter Twp, MI
1 - 4 BR | Available Now
Dog Friendly
Cat Friendly
Air Conditioning
Allendale, MI
2 BR | Available Now
Dog Friendly
Cat Friendly
Surface Parking
Disability Access
$645 - 840
5068 West Campus Drive, , Allendale, MI
2 - 4 BR | Available Now
Dog Friendly
Cat Friendly
$645 - 680
10452 Lodge Drive, , Allendale, MI
4 BR | Available Now
Dog Friendly
Cat Friendly
6647-6653 Mista Dr Allendale, MI
3 BR | Ask for Availability
Air Conditioning
Allendale, MI
2 BR | Ask for Availability
1 - 7 of 7 Results
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  2. Grand Rapids Area Apartments
  3. Allendale

How much does it cost to rent an apartment in Allendale?

Allendale Apartments
Bed Type Average Rent Range
2BR $1,100 $1,020 - $1,100
3BR $1,600 $1,600 - $1,600

Find a Allendale Apartment

Allendale is located in Ottawa County with an estimated population of about 12,000 people. Its central location makes it the ideal place to establish residence. Allendale is 15 miles from Grand Rapids, 29 miles from Muskegon, 171 miles from Detroit and is just a few hours away from Chicago, Illinois with a 172 mile drive.

Allendale and Ottawa County have seen a spike in employment growth over the years which means those moving to the area can find comfort in knowing that this is a growing community. Nestled along the Grand River, Allendale is perfect for singles looking to settle down or a growing family.  

When to Search

Allendale while a relatively small town is full of life. When looking for an apartment your best bet is to begin in March and October. This is in between the summer and late winter and early spring time. Looking at these times will save you lots of headache. If you wait until later then you run the risk of competing with numerous other people during peak times.

Staying in the Know

Allendale property managers can range from flexible to strict. No matter what apartment complex you are looking at, if you find something you like, put an application in right away. With the population growth and popularity of this community, there is a line behind you waiting to get in.

Life in Allendale


Depending on the location of your apartment, getting around Allendale can be easy or hard. Many students ride bikes to get around while others take advantage of public transportation services. However a car would be advised to save a lot of headaches and hassles. At the end of the day it's just going to depend on where you live in Allendale.

Where to play

Allendale has a variety of things to do. So needless to say, there is something for everyone. Nature lovers can enjoy the hiking trails and skiing in the winter time. Take advantage of Allendale nightlife with a variety of local concerts. In addition students have a variety of bars and clubs to choose from. From hip-hop and rock to pool halls, Allendale has it all.

Search Cities Near Allendale, MI

June Rent Report

Welcome to the June 2024 Allendale Apartment Report. In this assessment of the local rental market, Rentable data scientists and rental experts break down the June 2024 key findings and figures for the Allendale rental landscape.

Our experts analyze the pricing trends — one-bedroom, two-bedroom, year-over-year and month-over-month — in Allendale and surrounding areas and provide comparisons to the entire metro area, nearby cities and some of the most desirable and expensive cities in the United States. Take a look at the last 12 months of Allendale average rent prices in the chart below.

Monthly Rent Report

Jul. 2023
Aug. 2023
Sep. 2023
Oct. 2023
Nov. 2023
Dec. 2023
Jan. 2024
Feb. 2024
Mar. 2024
Apr. 2024
May. 2024
Jun. 2024
1 BR       2 BR

Allendale Rent Prices Increase From May to June

Allendale rent prices increased over the last month. From May to June, the city experienced a 6.73% increase for the price of a one-bedroom apartment. The rent price for a Allendale one-bedroom apartments currently stands at $1,205.0.

When we take a look at the two-bedroom comparison from May to June, Allendale experienced a 2.91% increase for the price of a two-bedroom apartment. The rent price for a Allendale two-bedroom apartments currently stands at $1,628.0.

June Prices: Allendale vs. Surrounding Areas

Rent Prices in Allendale and Surrounding Areas

Rent prices have increased in Allendale over the last month. But how have the surrounding areas fared when it comes to the recent volatility in apartment prices? Rent prices in 0 of the Allendale suburbs increased last month. On the other hand, 0 local areas experienced a decrease in the price of a one-bedroom apartment.

More key findings include:

  • Rents did not increase in any of the Allendale suburbs

  • Rents did not decrease in any of the Allendale suburbs.

June 2024 Pricing Trends: Allendale vs. National Comparisons

New York, NY
San Francisco, CA
Washington, DC
Los Angeles, CA
Chicago, IL
Columbus, OH
Minneapolis, MN
Pittsburgh, PA
Median Rent

Allendale Rent Prices More Affordable Than Major Cities

Rent growth in Allendale over the past year has been on the rise. When compared to major cities nearby, along with some of the most expensive cities in the country, Allendale average rent prices appear to be relatively affordable for local residents.

The price for a Allendale one-bedroom apartment remains vastly more affordable than four of the largest cities in the United States — New York City, Washington, D.C. San Francisco and Los Angeles. And pricing compares quite similarly to nearby Midwest cities.

For more information about Allendale and surrounding area rent prices, take a look at the complete data set below.

Data set for Allendale and suburbs

1 BR June 1 BR M/M % Change 2 BR June 2 BR M/M % Change


Each month, using over 1 million Rentable listings across the United States, we calculate the median 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom rent prices by city, state, and nation, and track the month-over-month percent change. To avoid small sample sizes, we restrict the analysis for our reports to cities meeting minimum population and property count thresholds.